Medical Conditions that Mostly Affect Veterans
Veterans face a lot of a hard time and having received treatment is not the end as they still get injuries until the last day. Being aware of the warning signs greatly helps with early detection and treatment. Read to learn some of the common medical conditions encountered by veterans today and the treatment options available for them.
One of the most popular medical conditions is a bacterial disease called brucellosis. It mostly affects animals like cattle and war veterans who consume unpasteurized dairy products are also affected in the process. An affected veteran gets high fever and sweats. The affected veteran also encounter hearing loss and some even get complete deafness. You can overcome such situations by using hearing aids or using sign language in case of complete deafness.
The other common medical condition in veterans is Parkinson disease. It affects the neuron in the brain that is responsible for motor control and the functioning of the body central nervous system. The disease makes a veteran to have difficulty when moving and may also get tremors. The main cause of the disease is being exposed to the agent orange and it comes in different stages.
Hodgkin’s disease is also a common medical condition in veterans. Once you have the disease, it attacks the body’s lymph system. When you have swollen or even enlarged lymph nodes. then these are signs of the disease. The other things you encounter are sweating, fever and fatigue. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is also another common medical condition in veterans. The disease has neither a certain known reason nor a known cure. The ones affected by the disease most of the time do not survive. Having the disease may cause to have difficulty walking, falling, slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, clumsiness and even feel pain in the muscles.
The other common medical condition in veterans is prostate cancer. It is also as a result of exposure to the agent orange. To find out you have prostate cancer, you note that you urinate frequently, have bloody urine, erectile dysfunction and feel pain when urinating. Lastly, post-traumatic stress disorder also is a common medical condition in veterans. The medical condition is common to everyone although to the veterans it is due to two main reasons. One of the reasons is the negative impact of war and other things they see that greatly affect their mental well-being. The second reason is the boot camps and training programs which are intense and are meant to harden them. The treatment is determined by how severe the condition is. Following the article, you have learned some of the common medical conditions encountered by veterans.